Monday, 17 February 2014

Is there a PS4 jailbreak yet?

It’s not always something that is of interest for all gamers but there are others though that will decide which of the next generation consoles to go with based entirely on its likelihood of being hacked.  When the Playstation 3 first launched a lot was made of the consoles resistance to being hacked but this all went out of the window once a simple method was made public.   So easy in fact that many gamers who had never walked this gray area of video games before found themselves getting involved.  

Now we've had the PS4 for a few months one thing that seems to pop up on almost a daily basis is if anyone has so far managed to jailbreak the Playstation 4? Now some people have said that it is flat out impossible to jailbreak the Playstation 4 as there is simply no way for a person to do this.   Then there are people who have already made claims that they have hacked the console and can run pirate games off it.   Now let's say that not all people who want to jailbreak a console do so with the intent to run pirated software.   The majority of jailbreakers of course are only interested in playing the latest games for free on their consoles.   

Of course its certainly not going to be as easy for a regular Joe with no tech skills to hack their PS4 like they could there PS3.   There is no doubt a lot of money to be made from some unscrupulous company releasing a working jailbreak for the PS4.  Once this happens of course the method will be analyzed and most likely replicated for little or no cost.    How Sony will react to this and what they will do is just as interesting as the actual jailbreak its self.  

Interesting times coming up for the new console. 

In short though, no there is no current working jailbreak for the PS4.  While the PS3 still remains wide open it does beg the question is anyone actually looking to Sony's new console yet or will it take the removal of a much used feature by Sony to kickstart the scene - as it did way back with OtherOS.


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